Free Korean Learning Materials/Basic of Basic Korean

Level 1: The 10 Basic Vowels of Hangeul (Korean Alphabet)

사랑해널 2024. 6. 1. 12:48

Hangeul, the Korean alphabet, is known for its scientific design and ease of learning.

It consists of 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels, which can be combined to form various syllables and words.

Let's delve into the 10 basic vowels of Hangeul (Korean Alphabet).




a a (as in "father") A short, open 'a' sound.
ya ya (as in "yard") Similar to the 'ya' sound in English, but shorter and more tense.
eo uh (as in "young") A short, relaxed 'uh' sound, similar to the 'o' in "done" but without the 'o' sound at the end.
yeo yo (as in "yo-yo") Similar to the 'yo' sound in English, but shorter and more tense.
o o (as in "go") A short, rounded 'o' sound.
yo yo (as in "yoke") Similar to the 'yo' sound in English, but with a more rounded 'o' sound.
u oo (as in "food") A short, rounded 'oo' sound.
yu you (as in "you") Similar to the 'you' sound in English, but shorter and more tense.
eu u (as in "flu") A unique sound that doesn't exist in English. It's a neutral vowel made with the tongue in a relaxed, central position. Imagine the sound you make when clearing your throat.
i ee (as in "feet") A short, closed 'ee' sound.


  • Romanization: The Romanization provided is an approximation of the Korean sounds. The actual pronunciation may vary slightly.
  • Tense vs. Relaxed: The vowels ㅑ, ㅕ, ㅛ, ㅠ are pronounced more tensely than their counterparts ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ.
  • Unique Vowel ㅡ: The vowel ㅡ has a unique sound that requires practice to master.



Learning these basic vowels is crucial for understanding and speaking Korean correctly. Practice their pronunciation and writing to build a strong foundation in the Korean language!