Level 2 : Mastering Basic Korean Pronunciation - A Beginner's Guide with 20 Easy Words
Learning a new language can be daunting, especially when it comes to pronunciation. Korean, with its unique sound system, is no exception. However, starting with simple, two-syllable words that don't undergo complex sound changes like assimilation or palatalization can make your journey much smoother.
To help you kickstart your Korean pronunciation practice, we've compiled a table of 20 easy Korean words along with their romanization, pronunciation, and English meanings.
20 Easy Korean Words with Pronunciation
Now, try reading the 20 words yourself.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
나무 | [na-mu] | tree |
하늘 | [ha-neul] | sky |
구름 | [gu-reum] | cloud |
강아지 | [gang-a-ji] | puppy |
고양이 | [go-yang-i] | cat |
엄마 | [eom-ma] | mom |
아빠 | [ap-pa] | dad |
아기 | [a-gi] | baby |
코끼리 | [ko-kki-ri] | elephant |
기차 | [gi-cha] | train |
비행기 | [bi-haeng-gi] | airplane |
배 | [bae] | boat |
자동차 | [ja-dong-cha] | car |
학교 | [hak-gyo] | school |
공원 | [gong-won] | park |
바다 | [ba-da] | sea |
산 | [san] | mountain |
강 | [gang] | river |
호수 | [ho-su] | lake |
섬 | [seom] | island |
Pronunciation Quiz
Let's test your understanding! Choose the correct pronunciation for each Korean word.
- 나무: (a) [na-mon] (b) [na-mu] (c) [nam-mu] (d) [nam-moo] (e) [na-me]
- 하늘: (a) [ha-neul] (b) [ham-nul] (c) [hang-nul] (d) [han-eum] (e) [ha-nel]
- 구름: (a) [goo-reum] (b) [gul-rum] (c) [gu-reum] (d) [gong-rum] (e) [gu-rim]
- 강아지: (a) [gang-a-ji] (b) [gang-ga-ji] (c) [gang-a-see] (d) [gang-ga-tee] (e) [gang-i-ji]
- 고양이: (a) [go-yang-eel] (b) [go-yang-i] (c) [go-yang-oo] (d) [go-yung-e] (e) [go-yang-a]
- 엄마: (a) [eom-ma] (b) [un-ma] (c) [eom-nuh] (d) [om-muh] (e) [om-man]
- 아빠: (a) [a-bban] (b) [ap-pa] (c) [o-ppa] (d) [ap-bal] (e) [a-bam]
- 아기: (a) [a-gi] (b) [a-see] (c) [ag-gu] (d) [ag-ea] (e) [ae-ki]
- 코끼리: (a) [ku-ki-ri] (b) [ko-kki-ri] (c) [ko-ki-hee] (d) [ko-kki-mee] (e) [ko-ki-lieng]
- 기차: (a) [gi-cha] (b) [geen-cha] (c) [gi-ta] (d) [gee-sha] (e) [gui-ta]
Pronunciation Quiz Answers and Explanations
1. 나무: (b) [na-mu]
- 나 (na):
- ㄴ (n): A consonant sound similar to the English "n".
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
- 무 (mu):
- ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".
- ㅜ (u): A vowel sound similar to the "oo" in "boot".
2. 하늘: (a) [ha-neul]
- 하 (ha):
- ㅎ (h): A consonant sound similar to the English "h".
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
- 늘 (neul):
- ㄴ (n): A consonant sound similar to the English "n".
- ㅡ (eu): A unique Korean vowel sound, similar to a mix of "oo" in "boot" and "uh" in "sun".
- ㄹ (l): A consonant sound similar to the English "l".
3. 구름: (c) [gu-reum]
- 구 (gu):
- ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
- ㅜ (u): A vowel sound similar to the "oo" in "boot".
- 름 (reum):
- ㄹ (r): A consonant sound similar to the English "r" but softer.
- ㅡ (eu): A unique Korean vowel sound, similar to a mix of "oo" in "boot" and "uh" in "sun".
- ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".
4. 강아지: (a) [gang-a-ji]
- 강 (gang):
- ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
- ㅇ (ng): A nasal consonant sound similar to the "ng" in "sing".
- 아 (a):
- ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
- 지 (ji):
- ㅈ (j): A consonant sound similar to the English "j" in "jump".
- ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
5. 고양이: (b) [go-yang-i]
- 고 (go):
- ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
- ㅗ (o): A vowel sound similar to the "o" in "go".
- 양 (yang):
- ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
- ㅑ (ya): A vowel sound similar to the "ya" in "yard".
- ㅇ (ng): A nasal consonant sound similar to the "ng" in "sing".
- 이 (i):
- ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
- ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
6. 엄마: (a) [eom-ma]
- 엄 (eom):
- ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
- ㅓ (eo): A unique Korean vowel sound, similar to the "aw" in "saw" but slightly higher in pitch.
- ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".
- 마 (ma):
- ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
7. 아빠: (b) [ap-pa]
- 아 (a):
- ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
- 빠 (ppa):
- ㅃ (pp): A consonant sound similar to the English "p" but more aspirated.
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
8. 아기: (a) [a-gi]
- 아 (a):
- ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
- 기 (gi):
- ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
- ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
9. 코끼리: (b) [ko-kki-ri]
- 코 (ko):
- ㅋ (k): A consonant sound similar to the English "k" but more aspirated.
- ㅗ (o): A vowel sound similar to the "o" in "go".
- 끼 (kki):
- ㄲ (kk): A consonant sound similar to the English "k" but more aspirated and tense.
- ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
- 리 (ri):
- ㄹ (r): A consonant sound similar to the English "r" but softer.
- ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
10. 기차: (a) [gi-cha]
- 기 (gi):
- ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
- ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
- 차 (cha):
- ㅊ (ch): A consonant sound similar to the English "ch" in "cheese".
- ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
How many did you get right?
- If you scored 70% or higher, great job! You're on your way to mastering Korean pronunciation.
- If you scored below 70%, don't worry! Review the table and try the quiz again. Practice makes perfect!
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