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Level 2 : Mastering Basic Korean Pronunciation - A Beginner's Guide with 20 Easy Words

사랑해널 2024. 6. 1. 23:30

Learning a new language can be daunting, especially when it comes to pronunciation. Korean, with its unique sound system, is no exception. However, starting with simple, two-syllable words that don't undergo complex sound changes like assimilation or palatalization can make your journey much smoother.


To help you kickstart your Korean pronunciation practice, we've compiled a table of 20 easy Korean words along with their romanization, pronunciation, and English meanings.



20 Easy Korean Words with Pronunciation 


Now, try reading the 20 words yourself.  



Word Pronunciation Meaning
나무 [na-mu] tree
하늘 [ha-neul] sky
구름 [gu-reum] cloud
강아지 [gang-a-ji] puppy
고양이 [go-yang-i] cat
엄마 [eom-ma] mom
아빠 [ap-pa] dad
아기 [a-gi] baby
코끼리 [ko-kki-ri] elephant
기차 [gi-cha] train
비행기 [bi-haeng-gi] airplane
[bae] boat
자동차 [ja-dong-cha] car
학교 [hak-gyo] school
공원 [gong-won] park
바다 [ba-da] sea
[san] mountain
[gang] river
호수 [ho-su] lake
[seom] island



Pronunciation Quiz


Let's test your understanding! Choose the correct pronunciation for each Korean word.


  1. 나무: (a) [na-mon] (b) [na-mu] (c) [nam-mu] (d) [nam-moo] (e) [na-me]
  2. 하늘: (a) [ha-neul] (b) [ham-nul] (c) [hang-nul] (d) [han-eum] (e) [ha-nel]
  3. 구름: (a) [goo-reum] (b) [gul-rum] (c) [gu-reum] (d) [gong-rum] (e) [gu-rim]
  4. 강아지: (a) [gang-a-ji] (b) [gang-ga-ji] (c) [gang-a-see] (d) [gang-ga-tee] (e) [gang-i-ji]
  5. 고양이: (a) [go-yang-eel] (b) [go-yang-i] (c) [go-yang-oo] (d) [go-yung-e] (e) [go-yang-a]
  6. 엄마: (a) [eom-ma] (b) [un-ma] (c) [eom-nuh] (d) [om-muh] (e) [om-man]
  7. 아빠: (a) [a-bban] (b) [ap-pa] (c) [o-ppa] (d) [ap-bal] (e) [a-bam]
  8. 아기: (a) [a-gi] (b) [a-see] (c) [ag-gu] (d) [ag-ea] (e) [ae-ki]
  9. 코끼리: (a) [ku-ki-ri] (b) [ko-kki-ri] (c) [ko-ki-hee] (d) [ko-kki-mee] (e) [ko-ki-lieng]
  10. 기차: (a) [gi-cha] (b) [geen-cha] (c) [gi-ta] (d) [gee-sha] (e) [gui-ta]



Pronunciation Quiz Answers and Explanations



1. 나무: (b) [na-mu]

  • 나 (na):
    • ㄴ (n): A consonant sound similar to the English "n".
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
  • 무 (mu):
    • ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".
    • ㅜ (u): A vowel sound similar to the "oo" in "boot".

2. 하늘: (a) [ha-neul]

  • 하 (ha):
    • ㅎ (h): A consonant sound similar to the English "h".
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
  • 늘 (neul):
    • ㄴ (n): A consonant sound similar to the English "n".
    • ㅡ (eu): A unique Korean vowel sound, similar to a mix of "oo" in "boot" and "uh" in "sun".
    • ㄹ (l): A consonant sound similar to the English "l".

3. 구름: (c) [gu-reum]

  • 구 (gu):
    • ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
    • ㅜ (u): A vowel sound similar to the "oo" in "boot".
  • 름 (reum):
    • ㄹ (r): A consonant sound similar to the English "r" but softer.
    • ㅡ (eu): A unique Korean vowel sound, similar to a mix of "oo" in "boot" and "uh" in "sun".
    • ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".

4. 강아지: (a) [gang-a-ji]

  • 강 (gang):
    • ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
    • ㅇ (ng): A nasal consonant sound similar to the "ng" in "sing".
  • 아 (a):
    • ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
  • 지 (ji):
    • ㅈ (j): A consonant sound similar to the English "j" in "jump".
    • ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".

5. 고양이: (b) [go-yang-i]

  • 고 (go):
    • ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
    • ㅗ (o): A vowel sound similar to the "o" in "go".
  • 양 (yang):
    • ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
    • ㅑ (ya): A vowel sound similar to the "ya" in "yard".
    • ㅇ (ng): A nasal consonant sound similar to the "ng" in "sing".
  • 이 (i):
    • ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
    • ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".

6. 엄마: (a) [eom-ma]

  • 엄 (eom):
    • ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
    • ㅓ (eo): A unique Korean vowel sound, similar to the "aw" in "saw" but slightly higher in pitch.
    • ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".
  • 마 (ma):
    • ㅁ (m): A consonant sound similar to the English "m".
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".

7. 아빠: (b) [ap-pa]

  • 아 (a):
    • ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
  • 빠 (ppa):
    • ㅃ (pp): A consonant sound similar to the English "p" but more aspirated.
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".

8. 아기: (a) [a-gi]

  • 아 (a):
    • ㅇ (∅): No initial consonant sound (silent).
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".
  • 기 (gi):
    • ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
    • ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".

9. 코끼리: (b) [ko-kki-ri]

  • 코 (ko):
    • ㅋ (k): A consonant sound similar to the English "k" but more aspirated.
    • ㅗ (o): A vowel sound similar to the "o" in "go".
  • 끼 (kki):
    • ㄲ (kk): A consonant sound similar to the English "k" but more aspirated and tense.
    • ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
  • 리 (ri):
    • ㄹ (r): A consonant sound similar to the English "r" but softer.
    • ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".

10. 기차: (a) [gi-cha]

  • 기 (gi):
    • ㄱ (g): A consonant sound similar to the English "g" in "go".
    • ㅣ (i): A vowel sound similar to the "ee" in "meet".
  • 차 (cha):
    • ㅊ (ch): A consonant sound similar to the English "ch" in "cheese".
    • ㅏ (a): A vowel sound similar to the "a" in "father".

How many did you get right?

  • If you scored 70% or higher, great job! You're on your way to mastering Korean pronunciation.
  • If you scored below 70%, don't worry! Review the table and try the quiz again. Practice makes perfect!



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