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Level 2 : Double Consonants in Hangeul: A Detailed Explanation

사랑해널 2024. 6. 1. 16:02

Double consonants, also known as 쌍자음 (ssangjaeum) in Korean, are an essential part of the Korean writing system, Hangeul. They add a unique dimension to the language's sound system and are crucial for understanding Korean pronunciation and spelling.


What are Double Consonants?


Double consonants are formed by writing two identical consonants together in a single syllable block. They represent a stronger, more tense sound compared to their single consonant counterparts. While they look like two separate consonants, they are treated as a single unit in pronunciation.


The Five Double Consonants:


There are five double consonants in Hangeul:

  • ㄲ (kk): A stronger, more tense 'k' sound.
  • ㄸ (tt): A stronger, more tense 't' sound.
  • ㅃ (pp): A stronger, more tense 'p' sound.
  • ㅆ (ss): A stronger, more tense 's' sound.
  • ㅉ (jj): A stronger, more tense 'j' sound.

Examples of Double Consonants in Words

Word Romanization Pronunciation (Approximate) English Meaning
ppang bbang (as in "bb-ong") bread
딸기 ttalgi ttal-gi (as in "ttal-gee") strawberry
꼬리 kkori kko-ri (as in "kko-ree") tail
씨앗 ssiat ssi-at (as in "shi-at") seed
짜장면 jjajangmyeon jja-jang-myeon (as in "jja-jang-myun") black bean noodles

Pronunciation Tips

  • Tense Articulation: Double consonants are pronounced with more tension in the vocal cords and a stronger release of air compared to single consonants.
  • No Aspiration: Unlike aspirated consonants (ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ), double consonants are not pronounced with a puff of air.
  • Practice: Listen to native speakers and try to mimic their pronunciation. Practice saying words with double consonants to get the feel for the subtle differences in sound.

Importance of Double Consonants


Double consonants play a crucial role in distinguishing between words that would otherwise sound similar. For example, the words 밤 (bam - night) and 빵 (ppang - bread) are differentiated solely by the use of a single or double consonant.




By understanding and mastering double consonants, you'll be able to pronounce Korean words more accurately, improve your listening comprehension, and avoid misunderstandings.



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