Free Korean Learning Materials/Basic Korean Conversation Series

[Basic Korean Conversation Series] 45 : Asking for Directions

사랑해널 2024. 6. 19. 09:51

Introduction to Korean Conversation: Asking for Directions

Navigating through a new city or area can be challenging, especially if you don't speak the local language. Knowing how to ask for directions in Korean can make your travels much smoother and more enjoyable. A common way to ask for directions is "어디예요?" (Eodi-yeyo?), meaning "Where is it?" This phrase is simple and versatile, allowing you to inquire about the location of various places.


In this blog post, we will explore a basic dialogue that revolves around asking for directions. We will break down each phrase, explain its meaning, and provide additional examples to help you understand the context and usage. Additionally, we will delve into the nuances of formality in Korean, ensuring you can appropriately adjust your language based on the person you are speaking to. Pronunciation tips will also be provided to help you sound more natural and confident.


Knowing how to ask for directions in Korean not only helps you navigate unfamiliar places but also demonstrates your interest in learning the language and engaging with locals. It can lead to more meaningful interactions and help you feel more at ease in Korean-speaking environments. Let’s dive into the specifics of asking for directions in Korean, equipping you with the skills to communicate more effectively.

Basic Korean Conversation - Dialogue 45 [Asking for Directions] 

A: 은행 어디예요? (Eunhaeng eodi-yeyo?)

B: 저쪽이에요. (Jeojjok-i-yeyo.)

A: 가까워요? (Gakkaweoyo?)

B: 네, 가까워요. (Ne, gakkaweoyo.)

Breakdown of the Dialogue

1. 은행 어디예요? (Eunhaeng eodi-yeyo?)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "Where is the bank?"
  • Usage: Use this phrase to ask for the location of the bank.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "eun-haeng eo-di-ye-yo?" The word "은행" (eunhaeng) means "bank," and "어디예요" (eodi-yeyo) means "where is it?"

2. 저쪽이에요. (Jeojjok-i-yeyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "It’s that way."
  • Usage: Use this phrase to indicate a direction.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "jeo-jjok-i-ye-yo." The word "저쪽" (jeojjok) means "that way," and "이에요" (i-yeyo) means "is."

3. 가까워요? (Gakkaweoyo?)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "Is it close?"
  • Usage: Use this phrase to ask if a place is nearby.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "ga-kka-weo-yo?" The word "가까워요" (gakkaweoyo) means "is it close."

4. 네, 가까워요. (Ne, gakkaweoyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "Yes, it is close."
  • Usage: Use this phrase to confirm that a place is nearby.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "ne, ga-kka-weo-yo." The word "네" (ne) means "yes," and "가까워요" (gakkaweoyo) means "it is close."

Basic Korean Vocabulary and Expressions

  • 은행 (Eunhaeng): Bank
    • Example: "은행에 가요" (I’m going to the bank).
  • 어디 (Eodi): Where
    • Example: "화장실 어디예요?" (Where is the restroom?)
  • 저쪽 (Jeojjok): That way
    • Example: "저쪽으로 가세요" (Go that way).
  • 가깝다 (Gakkaweoyo): To be close
    • Example: "가까운 곳" (A nearby place).
  • 네 (Ne): Yes
    • Example: "네, 맞아요" (Yes, that’s right).

Additional Examples

  • Asking for Directions to a Restaurant:
    • A: 식당 어디예요? (Sikdang eodi-yeyo?) - Where is the restaurant?
    • B: 이쪽이에요. (Ijjok-i-yeyo.) - It’s this way.
  • Inquiring About Proximity:
    • A: 멀어요? (Meoreoyo?) - Is it far?
    • B: 아니요, 가까워요. (Aniyo, gakkaweoyo.) - No, it is close.

When to Use These Phrases

  • Formal Settings: Use these phrases in formal settings like asking directions from strangers, in professional environments, or when trying to be polite.
  • Informal Settings: The informal versions can be used with friends, peers, or younger people in casual settings.

Things to Be Careful About

  • Formality: Ensure you use the correct level of formality based on the situation. Using informal speech in a formal setting can be seen as disrespectful.
  • Pronunciation: Pronounce each syllable clearly. Mispronouncing key phrases can lead to misunderstandings or seem impolite.
  • Context: Be mindful of the context when asking for directions to ensure your request is appropriate and well-received.

Pronunciation Tips

  • 은행 어디예요? (Eunhaeng eodi-yeyo?): Break it down into syllables – "eun-haeng eo-di-ye-yo?" The "어디예요" (eodi-yeyo) part should be pronounced clearly.
  • 저쪽이에요. (Jeojjok-i-yeyo.): Say it as "jeo-jjok-i-ye-yo." Ensure to pronounce "저쪽" part smoothly.
  • 가까워요? (Gakkaweoyo?): Pronounce it as "ga-kka-weo-yo?" The "가까워요" (gakkaweoyo) should be pronounced with emphasis.
  • 네, 가까워요. (Ne, gakkaweoyo.): Say it as "ne, ga-kka-weo-yo." The "네" (ne) should be pronounced clearly, sounding like "ne."

By understanding and practicing these basic Korean phrases, you can comfortably ask for directions and navigate through Korean-speaking environments more effectively, enhancing your travel experiences and cultural understanding. Happy learning!