Free Korean Learning Materials/Basic Korean Conversation Series
[Basic Korean Conversation Series] 3. Asking about Someone's Job
2024. 6. 14. 08:07
Basic Korean Conversation 3: Asking About Someone's Job
A: 직업이 뭐예요? (Jigeobi mwoyeyo?)
B: 저는 학생이에요. (Jeoneun haksaeng-ieyo.)
A: 어디에서 공부해요? (Eodieseo gongbuhaeyo?)
B: 서울대에서 공부해요. (Seouldaeseo gongbuhaeyo.)
Breakdown of the Dialogue
1. 직업이 뭐예요? (Jigeobi mwoyeyo?)
- Meaning: This phrase means "What is your job?" in English. It’s a polite way to inquire about someone's profession.
- Usage: Use this question when you want to know what someone does for a living. It’s suitable for most social and formal settings.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "ji-geob-i mwo-ye-yo?" The word "직업" (jigeob) means "job" or "occupation," and "뭐예요" (mwoyeyo) means "what is."
2. 저는 학생이에요. (Jeoneun haksaeng-ieyo.)
- Meaning: This phrase means "I am a student." It’s a simple and polite way to describe your current occupation.
- Usage: Use this phrase when someone asks you about your job and you are a student. The structure can be adapted to different occupations by changing "학생" to your specific job title.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "jeo-neun hak-saeng-i-eyo." The word "저는" (jeoneun) means "I" in a polite form, and "학생이에요" (haksaeng-ieyo) means "am a student."
3. 어디에서 공부해요? (Eodieseo gongbuhaeyo?)
- Meaning: This phrase means "Where do you study?" It’s a polite way to ask about someone's place of study.
- Usage: Use this question when you want to know the location or institution where someone is studying.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "eo-di-e-seo gong-bu-hae-yo?" The word "어디" (eodi) means "where," "에서" (eseo) means "at," and "공부해요" (gongbuhaeyo) means "study."
4. 서울대에서 공부해요. (Seouldaeseo gongbuhaeyo.)
- Meaning: This phrase means "I study at Seoul National University." It specifies the place of study.
- Usage: Use this phrase to tell someone where you study. Replace "서울대" with the name of your school or university.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "seoul-dae-e-seo gong-bu-hae-yo." The word "서울대" (Seouldae) is short for "서울대학교" (Seoul National University).
Basic Korean Vocabulary and Expressions
- 직업 (Jigeob): Job/Occupation
- Example: When asked, "직업이 뭐예요?" you respond with your occupation.
- 뭐예요 (Mwoyeyo): What is
- Example: This can be used in other contexts like "취미가 뭐예요?" (What is your hobby?).
- 저는 (Jeoneun): I am (formal)
- Example: "저는 의사예요" (I am a doctor).
- 학생 (Haksaeng): Student
- Example: "초등학생" (elementary school student).
- 어디 (Eodi): Where
- Example: "어디에 가요?" (Where are you going?).
- 공부해요 (Gongbuhaeyo): Study (formal)
- Example: "집에서 공부해요" (I study at home).
Basic Korean Conversation - Additional Examples
- Discussing Different Jobs:
- A: 직업이 뭐예요? (Jigeobi mwoyeyo?) - What is your job?
- B: 저는 의사예요. (Jeoneun uisa-yeyo.) - I am a doctor.
- A: 어디에서 일해요? (Eodieseo ilhaeyo?) - Where do you work?
- B: 서울병원에서 일해요. (Seoulbyeongwoneseo ilhaeyo.) - I work at Seoul Hospital.
- Talking About Different Schools:
- A: 어디에서 공부해요? (Eodieseo gongbuhaeyo?) - Where do you study?
- B: 고려대에서 공부해요. (Goryeodaeseo gongbuhaeyo.) - I study at Korea University.
- A: 무슨 전공이에요? (Museun jeongong-ieyo?) - What is your major?
- B: 경영학 전공이에요. (Gyeongyeonghak jeongong-ieyo.) - I major in business administration.
When to Use These Phrases
- Formal Settings: Use these phrases in formal settings like job interviews, professional networking events, or when meeting someone new in a business context.
- Informal Settings: The informal versions can be used with friends, peers, or younger people in casual settings.
Things to Be Careful About
- Formality: Ensure you use the correct level of formality based on the situation. Using informal speech in a formal setting can be seen as disrespectful.
- Pronunciation: Pronounce each syllable clearly. Mispronouncing key phrases can lead to misunderstandings or seem impolite.
- Cultural Sensitivity: When asking about someone's job, be mindful of the context and the person’s comfort level. In some cultures, discussing jobs can be a sensitive topic.
Pronunciation Tips
- 직업이 뭐예요? (Jigeobi mwoyeyo?): Break it down into syllables – "ji-geob-i mwo-ye-yo?" The "ㅂ" in "직업" is pronounced softly, almost like a "p."
- 저는 학생이에요. (Jeoneun haksaeng-ieyo.): Say it as "jeo-neun hak-saeng-i-eyo." The "학생" (haksaeng) is pronounced with a soft "k" sound.
- 어디에서 공부해요? (Eodieseo gongbuhaeyo?): Pronounce it as "eo-di-e-seo gong-bu-hae-yo?" with a slight intonation at the end to indicate a question.
- 서울대에서 공부해요. (Seouldaeseo gongbuhaeyo.): Say it as "seoul-dae-e-seo gong-bu-hae-yo." "서울대" should be pronounced smoothly as one word.
By understanding and practicing these basic Korean phrases, you can comfortably ask about someone's job and discuss your own occupation. This not only helps in building rapport but also enhances your cultural understanding and communication skills in Korean-speaking environments. Happy learning!