[Basic Korean Conversation Series] 27: Discussing What You Want to Do
Introduction to Korean Conversation: Discussing What You Want to Do
Conversations about personal preferences and desires are fundamental in any language, allowing us to express what we want and understand the wishes of others. In Korean, asking someone what they want to do can lead to interesting discussions, helping you get to know each other better and plan enjoyable activities together. This skill is particularly useful in both social and professional settings, where understanding and accommodating each other's preferences can strengthen relationships and enhance experiences.
In Korean, the phrase "What do you want to do?" is expressed as "뭐 하고 싶어요? (Mwo hago sipeoyo?)." This question is versatile and can be used in various contexts, from casual chats with friends to more formal discussions about plans and aspirations. Whether you're discussing leisure activities, career goals, or simple daily choices, being able to ask and answer this question fluently can significantly improve your conversational abilities.
In this blog post, we will explore a basic dialogue that revolves around asking and answering what someone wants to do. We will break down each phrase, explain its meaning, and provide additional examples to help you understand the context and usage. Additionally, we will delve into the nuances of formality in Korean, ensuring you can appropriately adjust your language based on the person you are speaking to. Pronunciation tips will also be provided to help you sound more natural and confident.
Talking about personal preferences is more than just making plans; it's about connecting on a deeper level and showing genuine interest in someone’s desires and aspirations. In Korean culture, expressing and respecting personal preferences is a sign of empathy and thoughtfulness, which can help build stronger interpersonal relationships. By learning how to ask and answer questions about what someone wants to do, you can make your conversations more engaging and meaningful. Let's dive into the specifics of discussing desires in Korean, equipping you with the skills to make your interactions more dynamic and enjoyable.
Basic Korean Conversatino Dialogue 27
A: 뭐 하고 싶어요? (Mwo hago sipeoyo?)
B: 영화 보고 싶어요. (Yeonghwa bogo sipeoyo.)
A: 언제 보고 싶어요? (Eonje bogo sipeoyo?)
B: 주말에 보고 싶어요. (Jumare bogo sipeoyo.)
Breakdown of the Dialogue
1. 뭐 하고 싶어요? (Mwo hago sipeoyo?)
- Meaning: This phrase means "What do you want to do?" It's a common way to ask someone about their preferences or desires.
- Usage: Use this question when you want to know what someone wants to do.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "mwo ha-go si-peo-yo?" The word "뭐" (mwo) means "what," and "하고 싶어요" (hago sipeoyo) means "want to do."
2. 영화 보고 싶어요. (Yeonghwa bogo sipeoyo.)
- Meaning: This phrase means "I want to watch a movie." It indicates the person's desire to watch a movie.
- Usage: Use this phrase to express your desire to watch a movie.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "yeong-hwa bo-go si-peo-yo." The word "영화" (yeonghwa) means "movie," and "보고 싶어요" (bogo sipeoyo) means "want to watch."
3. 언제 보고 싶어요? (Eonje bogo sipeoyo?)
- Meaning: This phrase means "When do you want to watch it?" It's a way to ask for the specific time someone wants to watch the movie.
- Usage: Use this question when you want to know the exact time someone wants to do something.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "eon-je bo-go si-peo-yo?" The word "언제" (eonje) means "when," and "보고 싶어요" (bogo sipeoyo) means "want to watch."
4. 주말에 보고 싶어요. (Jumare bogo sipeoyo.)
- Meaning: This phrase means "I want to watch it on the weekend." It specifies the time of the activity.
- Usage: Use this phrase to tell someone that you want to do something on the weekend.
- Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "ju-ma-re bo-go si-peo-yo." The word "주말에" (jumare) means "on the weekend," and "보고 싶어요" (bogo sipeoyo) means "want to watch."
Basic Korean Vocabulary and Expressions
- 뭐 (Mwo): What
- Example: "뭐 먹고 싶어요?" (What do you want to eat?).
- 하고 싶어요 (Hago sipeoyo): Want to do
- Example: "운동하고 싶어요" (I want to exercise).
- 영화 (Yeonghwa): Movie
- Example: "좋은 영화" (A good movie).
- 보고 싶어요 (Bogo sipeoyo): Want to watch
- Example: "드라마 보고 싶어요" (I want to watch a drama).
- 언제 (Eonje): When
- Example: "언제 만나요?" (When shall we meet?).
- 주말 (Jumal): Weekend
- Example: "즐거운 주말" (A pleasant weekend).
Additional Korean Conversation Examples
- Discussing Different Desires:
- A: 뭐 하고 싶어요? (Mwo hago sipeoyo?) - What do you want to do?
- B: 여행 가고 싶어요. (Yeohaeng gago sipeoyo.) - I want to travel.
- A: 언제 가고 싶어요? (Eonje gago sipeoyo?) - When do you want to go?
- B: 다음 달에 가고 싶어요. (Daeum dale gago sipeoyo.) - I want to go next month.
- Talking About Desires Informally:
- A: 뭐 하고 싶어? (Mwo hago sipeo?) - What do you want to do? (informal)
- B: 영화 보고 싶어. (Yeonghwa bogo sipeo.) - I want to watch a movie. (informal)
- A: 언제 보고 싶어? (Eonje bogo sipeo?) - When do you want to watch it? (informal)
- B: 주말에 보고 싶어. (Jumare bogo sipeo.) - I want to watch it on the weekend. (informal)
When to Use These Phrases
- Formal Settings: Use these phrases in formal settings like professional environments, when meeting new people, or when talking to someone older or of higher status.
- Informal Settings: The informal versions can be used with friends, peers, or younger people in casual settings.
Things to Be Careful About
- Formality: Ensure you use the correct level of formality based on the situation. Using informal speech in a formal setting can be seen as disrespectful.
- Pronunciation: Pronounce each syllable clearly. Mispronouncing key phrases can lead to misunderstandings or seem impolite.
- Specific Desires: Be clear and specific about your desires to avoid confusion.
Pronunciation Tips
- 뭐 하고 싶어요? (Mwo hago sipeoyo?): Break it down into syllables – "mwo ha-go si-peo-yo?" The "뭐" (mwo) should be pronounced clearly.
- 영화 보고 싶어요. (Yeonghwa bogo sipeoyo.): Say it as "yeong-hwa bo-go si-peo-yo." Ensure to pronounce the "영화" part smoothly.
- 언제 보고 싶어요? (Eonje bogo sipeoyo?): Pronounce it as "eon-je bo-go si-peo-yo?" The "언제" (eonje) should be pronounced with emphasis.
- 주말에 보고 싶어요. (Jumare bogo sipeoyo.): Say it as "ju-ma-re bo-go si-peo-yo." The "주말에" (jumare) should be pronounced clearly, sounding like "ju-ma-re."
By understanding and practicing these basic Korean phrases, you can comfortably discuss what you or others want to do, enhancing your communication skills and cultural understanding in Korean-speaking environments. Happy learning!