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[Basic Korean Conversation Series] 12: Talking about Weather

사랑해널 2024. 6. 14. 17:17

Basic Korean Conversation 12: Talking About Weather


A: 오늘 날씨 어때요? (Oneul nalssi eottaeyo?)

B: 맑아요. (Malgaeyo.)

A: 따뜻해요? (Ttatteushaeyo?)

B: 네, 아주 따뜻해요. (Ne, aju ttatteushaeyo.)

Breakdown of the Dialogue

1. 오늘 날씨 어때요? (Oneul nalssi eottaeyo?)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "How is the weather today?" It’s a common way to ask about the weather.
  • Usage: Use this question when you want to know the weather conditions for the day.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "o-neul nal-ssi eo-ttae-yo?" The word "오늘" (oneul) means "today," "날씨" (nalssi) means "weather," and "어때요" (eottaeyo) means "how is it."

2. 맑아요. (Malgaeyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "It’s clear." It indicates that the weather is clear and likely sunny.
  • Usage: Use this phrase to describe clear weather.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "mal-gae-yo." The word "맑아요" (malgaeyo) means "clear."

3. 따뜻해요? (Ttatteushaeyo?)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "Is it warm?" It’s a follow-up question asking about the temperature.
  • Usage: Use this question when you want to know if the weather is warm.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "tta-tteut-hae-yo?" The word "따뜻해요" (ttatteushaeyo) means "warm."

4. 네, 아주 따뜻해요. (Ne, aju ttatteushaeyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "Yes, it’s very warm." It’s a response confirming that the weather is warm.
  • Usage: Use this phrase to confirm and emphasize the warmth of the weather.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "ne, a-ju tta-tteut-hae-yo." The word "네" (ne) means "yes," "아주" (aju) means "very," and "따뜻해요" (ttatteushaeyo) means "warm."

Vocabulary and Expressions

  • 오늘 (Oneul): Today
    • Example: "오늘 뭐해요?" (What are you doing today?).
  • 날씨 (Nalssi): Weather
    • Example: "날씨가 좋아요" (The weather is nice).
  • 어때요 (Eottaeyo): How is it
    • Example: "이 영화 어때요?" (How is this movie?).
  • 맑아요 (Malgaeyo): Clear
    • Example: "하늘이 맑아요" (The sky is clear).
  • 따뜻해요 (Ttatteushaeyo): Warm
    • Example: "방이 따뜻해요" (The room is warm).
  • 네 (Ne): Yes
    • Example: "네, 맞아요" (Yes, that's right).
  • 아주 (Aju): Very
    • Example: "아주 맛있어요" (Very delicious).

Additional Examples

  • Talking About Different Weather Conditions:
    • A: 오늘 날씨 어때요? (Oneul nalssi eottaeyo?) - How is the weather today?
    • B: 흐려요. (Heuryeoyo.) - It’s cloudy.
    • A: 비가 와요? (Biga wayo?) - Is it raining?
    • B: 네, 비가 와요. (Ne, biga wayo.) - Yes, it’s raining.
  • Talking About Weather Informally:
    • A: 오늘 날씨 어때? (Oneul nalssi eottae?) - How’s the weather today? (informal)
    • B: 맑아. (Malga.) - It’s clear. (informal)
    • A: 따뜻해? (Ttatteut hae?) - Is it warm? (informal)
    • B: 응, 아주 따뜻해. (Eung, aju ttatteut hae.) - Yes, it’s very warm. (informal)

When to Use These Phrases

  • Formal Settings: Use these phrases in formal settings like professional environments, when meeting new people, or when talking to someone older or of higher status.
  • Informal Settings: The informal versions can be used with friends, peers, or younger people in casual settings.

Things to Be Careful About

  • Formality: Ensure you use the correct level of formality based on the situation. Using informal speech in a formal setting can be seen as disrespectful.
  • Pronunciation: Pronounce each syllable clearly. Mispronouncing key phrases can lead to misunderstandings or seem impolite.
  • Seasonal Context: When discussing the weather, consider the seasonal context as well.

Pronunciation Tips

  • 오늘 날씨 어때요? (Oneul nalssi eottaeyo?): Break it down into syllables – "o-neul nal-ssi eo-ttae-yo?" The "오늘" (oneul) should be pronounced clearly.
  • 맑아요. (Malgaeyo.): Say it as "mal-gae-yo." Ensure to pronounce the "맑" part smoothly.
  • 따뜻해요? (Ttatteushaeyo?): Pronounce it as "tta-tteut-hae-yo?" The "따뜻해요" (ttatteushaeyo) should be clear, sounding like "tta-tteut-hae-yo."
  • 네, 아주 따뜻해요. (Ne, aju ttatteushaeyo.): Say it as "ne, a-ju tta-tteut-hae-yo." The "아주" (aju) should be pronounced with emphasis.

By understanding and practicing these basic Korean phrases, you can comfortably talk about and ask about the weather, enhancing your communication skills and cultural understanding in Korean-speaking environments. Happy learning!