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[Basic Korean Conversation Series] 10: Expressing Gratitude

사랑해널 2024. 6. 14. 17:12

Basic Korean Conversation 10: Expressing Gratitude


A: 도와줘서 고마워요. (Dowajwoseo gomawoyo.)

B: 천만에요. (Cheonmaneyo.)

A: 정말 큰 도움이 되었어요. (Jeongmal keun doumi doeeosseoyo.)

B: 도와드려서 기뻐요. (Dowadeuryeoseo gippeoyo.)

Breakdown of the Dialogue

1. 도와줘서 고마워요. (Dowajwoseo gomawoyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "Thank you for your help." It’s a way to express gratitude for assistance.
  • Usage: Use this phrase when you want to thank someone for their help or support.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "do-wa-jwo-seo go-ma-wo-yo." The word "도와줘서" (dowajwoseo) means "for helping," and "고마워요" (gomawoyo) means "thank you."

2. 천만에요. (Cheonmaneyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "You're welcome." It’s a polite response to being thanked.
  • Usage: Use this phrase to respond to someone thanking you.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "cheon-ma-ne-yo." It directly translates to "It’s nothing," implying that the help given was not a big deal.

3. 정말 큰 도움이 되었어요. (Jeongmal keun doumi doeeosseoyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "It was really a big help." It emphasizes the importance of the help received.
  • Usage: Use this phrase to express how significant the help was.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "jeong-mal keun do-u-mi doe-eo-sseo-yo." The word "정말" (jeongmal) means "really," "큰 도움이" (keun doumi) means "big help," and "되었어요" (doeeosseoyo) means "it was."

4. 도와드려서 기뻐요. (Dowadeuryeoseo gippeoyo.)

  • Meaning: This phrase means "I'm happy to help." It’s a way to express that helping was a pleasure.
  • Usage: Use this phrase when you want to convey that you were happy to provide assistance.
  • Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "do-wa-deu-ryeo-seo gip-peo-yo." The word "도와드려서" (dowadeuryeoseo) means "for helping," and "기뻐요" (gippeoyo) means "happy."

Vocabulary and Expressions

  • 도와줘서 (Dowajwoseo): For helping
    • Example: "도와줘서 감사합니다" (Thank you for helping).
  • 고마워요 (Gomawoyo): Thank you
    • Example: "정말 고마워요" (Thank you very much).
  • 천만에요 (Cheonmaneyo): You're welcome
    • Example: "천만에요, 언제든지요" (You're welcome, anytime).
  • 정말 (Jeongmal): Really
    • Example: "정말 좋아요" (Really good).
  • 큰 도움 (Keun doum): Big help
    • Example: "큰 도움이 되었어요" (It was a big help).
  • 되었어요 (Doeeosseoyo): It was / Became
    • Example: "끝났어요" (It ended).
  • 기뻐요 (Gippeoyo): Happy
    • Example: "정말 기뻐요" (Really happy).

Additional Examples

  • Expressing Gratitude in Different Situations:
    • A: 선물 고마워요. (Seonmul gomawoyo.) - Thank you for the gift.
    • B: 천만에요. (Cheonmaneyo.) - You’re welcome.
    • A: 정말 마음에 들어요. (Jeongmal maeume deureoyo.) - I really like it.
    • B: 좋아하셔서 기뻐요. (Joahaseoseo gippeoyo.) - I'm glad you like it.
  • Thanking Someone Informally:
    • A: 도와줘서 고마워. (Dowajwoseo gomawo.) - Thanks for helping. (informal)
    • B: 천만에. (Cheonmane.) - You're welcome. (informal)
    • A: 정말 큰 도움이 됐어. (Jeongmal keun doumi dwaesseo.) - It was really a big help. (informal)
    • B: 도와줘서 기뻐. (Dowajwoseo gippeo.) - I'm happy to help. (informal)

When to Use These Phrases

  • Formal Settings: Use these phrases in formal settings like professional environments, when meeting new people, or when talking to someone older or of higher status.
  • Informal Settings: The informal versions can be used with friends, peers, or younger people in casual settings.

Things to Be Careful About

  • Formality: Ensure you use the correct level of formality based on the situation. Using informal speech in a formal setting can be seen as disrespectful.
  • Pronunciation: Pronounce each syllable clearly. Mispronouncing key phrases can lead to misunderstandings or seem impolite.
  • Sincerity: When expressing gratitude, ensure your tone conveys sincerity to make your appreciation clear.

Pronunciation Tips

  • 도와줘서 고마워요. (Dowajwoseo gomawoyo.): Break it down into syllables – "do-wa-jwo-seo go-ma-wo-yo?" The "도와줘서" (dowajwoseo) should be pronounced clearly with emphasis on "do-wa."
  • 천만에요. (Cheonmaneyo.): Say it as "cheon-ma-ne-yo." Ensure to pronounce the "천만" (cheonman) part smoothly.
  • 정말 큰 도움이 되었어요. (Jeongmal keun doumi doeeosseoyo.): Pronounce it as "jeong-mal keun do-u-mi doe-eo-sseo-yo?" The "큰 도움이" (keun doumi) should be clear, with "정말" sounding like "jeong-mal."
  • 도와드려서 기뻐요. (Dowadeuryeoseo gippeoyo.): Say it as "do-wa-deu-ryeo-seo gip-peo-yo." The "도와드려서" (dowadeuryeoseo) should be pronounced with emphasis on "do-wa."

By understanding and practicing these basic Korean phrases, you can comfortably express gratitude and respond to it, enhancing your communication skills and cultural understanding in Korean-speaking environments. Happy learning!